Monday, June 30, 2008

Welcome to Indianapolis, Part 3

My hubby and I went on a date yesterday afternoon. After enjoying lunch at Outback Steakhouse, we decided to go downtown. The weather was pretty *ehhhhh* but thankfully no real rain came our way. :) I took my camera along to get some more shots of downtown!

This is the Scottish Rite Cathedral. So cool.

I couldn't resist taking a picture of these when I saw that they had made them all different colors just for me!

We discovered that the War Memorial was open and decided to give ourselves a little tour. (Free admission - sweet!)

Inside we found some spectacular sights! Our first stop was upstairs to the "shrine room". Since I've only had my camera for a few weeks, I had no idea how to even begin shooting pictures in such low lighting, but I gave it my best shot anyway....

The ceiling was "super" high (as my nephew would say) with this light at the top.

I didn't capture the pillars very well but here is one of the stained-glass windows:

We made our way downstairs to the War Museum (which I didn't even know existed). Lots of cool stuff there! On the way down the long staircase I found this beautiful air vent! I know, I know. It's just an air vent, Heidi! But how gorgeous is that texture?!

We wound our way through displays of several U.S. wars. These were my favorite images:

On what I thought was going to be the hallway out, we stumbled upon this beautiful auditorium.

Check out the ceiling!

That was a pretty fun adventure! And homeschooling moms, take note: another free museum! :)