Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Gang | Indianapolis Child and Family Photographer

If I had been around yesterday and if I had ventured over to the I Heart Faces blog, you probably would have seen me enter a photo for their weekly contest. And since the contest theme this week is "We Are Family", you probably would have seen me enter this picture:

wm e DSC_0225 crop

Or maybe this one....

wm e DSC_0233 crop

Or possibly this one....

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Or this one....

wm e DSC_0224 crop

You see, my mother emailed today and asked for a picture of all four kids in their new outfits. And ironically, I had dressed them all in their new outfits today. So when our younger two munchkins got up from their nap, I went to town. For about 40 seconds.

(That's the full attention span of a 3 month old, a 2 year old, a 3 year old, and a 4 year old. Didn't you know?)

I know none of the images are perfect, but I love them all anyway. And for the record, these are the first pictures of all four of them together! My goal for this week is to get a great picture of all four kids looking at the camera and smiling!

Is my goal unattainable?? I'll keep you posted.


Katy said...

I love how they're all the cutest! :)

Miney said...

I think getting all four to actually be FACING the camera is a pretty big accomplishment! :)


The Other Katy

Clarissa Stagg Photography said...

So I'm sure you know how much I just ADORE your work and I was just curious if it would be okay with you if I added a link to your blog on my blog under "Inspiration"? Thanks! Have a great day. --Clarissa Stagg, Antique Autumn Photography