Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Annie + Family | On-Location Family Photographer

As I sit here trying to write an intro to this post, my mind is coming up blank. I don't know how to adequately sum up what Matt and Brooke have meant to me over the years. Matt was the youth pastor at the church where I attended youth group in high school. As long as I've known him, he has always had a zeal for the Lord and a passion for people. And his wife was equally lovely and always welcoming to everyone who visited. Matt preached the truth in such humility that even if his talk was highly convicting, I never felt condemned. I knew from my first visit there that I would be back. And I was.

As the years passed and I joined in Bible studies with Matt and Brooke, their desire for the Lord grew and therefore caused my own desire to grow. They were nothing short of absolutely instrumental during my high school years. When I moved away after high school, I missed them terribly. And I still do. People like this don't just pop up everywhere you live.

After a long adoption process, Matt and Brooke were finally able to welcome Annie into their family this spring! Annie is an adorable little bundle who just turned one last week! I was so happy to be able to capture their first professional family photos as well as Annie's 1-year photos!











Annie, I hope you had a super fabulous 1st birthday here in the states with your mommy and daddy! It was a pleasure to meet you. Matt....Brooke....it was an honor to take your family photos. You will never know how crucial your support and guidance was to me during those crazy high school years, even if I never expressed my appreciation at the time. Thank you for allowing me this privilege.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your pictures of Matt, Brooke and little Annie are precious. You did a wonderful job capturing their beauty (I am sure that wasn't hard as all three as such beautiful people). You did a wonderful job describing Brooke and Matt, I couldn't have said it better myself and she is my sister!

Great work!!!!
Regan Hoem