This session was so much fun because of all the attention it drew. Phil and Crystal received MANY "Congratulations!" from passersby and I enjoyed watching them gracefully accept the comments. I don't know how many times they had to answer the question, "Did you just get married?" but it was still lots of fun!
As I stated in the sneak peek, our Trash the Dress shoot didn't end up resulting in much trashing. It did, however, yield some exceptionally beautiful portrait-style images of the bride and groom! So....without further ado, here they are....
We started out at the canal and found lots of interesting little nooks for some great photos!

had to have a
little bit of fun!

Bet you can't guess what's going on here! *Wink wink*
One of my personal favorites...
After we finished up at the canal, we headed downtown for a few more shots....
And I will leave you with the beautiful bride!
How stunning is she?!
Phil and Crystal, thanks again for letting me take these photos for you! You were wonderful models! I had a great time and hope you did too!